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LRA Neighborhood Update continued
t the June 12th, 2023, Green Your Routine meeting, for those of you who would like to install solar on your own,
guest speaker Laura Tellez from Solar United including explanations of incentives available to do so.
ANeighbors informed us of the solar co-op program. Another item covered at the meeting was the upcoming sales
She not only explained the benefits of going solar but how tax holiday between August 26th and September 8th, 2023
the use of the co-op can facilitate the process and create on qualifying items related to hurricane disaster preparedness.
economies of scale as multiple households join together. To Please refer to for a full list of
show your interest, sign up at the qualifying items.
waitlist to obtain information as to if/when a co-op opens
in our area. Solar United Neighbors also provides support Helena Cooper GYR Representative
City of Fort Lauderdale residents
tarting in FY24 (October 1, 2023), a series of You will gain access to advanced automated water meter
incremental increases will be needed to support the technology. This exciting development empowers residents
Sconstruction of a state-of-the-art water treatment facility. to monitor their water usage in real-time, enabling better
control and conservation. By closely monitoring your water
In February, the City Commission approved the construction
of the Prospect Lake Clean Water Center. This facility will consumption, you can make informed decisions about usage
replace the aging Fiveash water treatment facility, significantly patterns, potentially saving both water and money.
enhancing the water service provided by the City of Fort One of the most valuable features of automated water meter
Lauderdale to our residents. This cutting-edge facility is being technology is its ability to detect leaks promptly. In the event
built to ensure you receive the highest quality water, meeting of a leak, you will receive immediate notifications, allowing
rigorous standards for cleanliness and clarity. Investing in this you to take swift action and mitigate any potential damage,
state-of-the-art infrastructure will provide long-term benefits to ultimately saving you from unexpected expenses.
the entire community.
These technological advancements will empower you to make
By the Numbers smarter decisions about water usage while promoting a more
Over the next few years, the City of Fort Lauderdale residents sustainable future for the community.
will experience a gradual increase in water and wastewater Understanding Your Water Bill
rates. In FY24, the combined water and wastewater rates will When reviewing your water bills and projecting future costs,
rise by 14%, followed by an additional 14.4% increase in it’s important to remember that the bill also includes sanitation
FY25. The subsequent years will see more modest adjustments, charges. While water and wastewater rates will increase,
with a 9% increase in FY 26 and 6.7% increase in FY 27. as mentioned earlier, sanitation charges will not rise at the
Public Hearings on these increases will be held on September same rate. By factoring this into your calculations, you can
5 and 13, 2023. accurately estimate your bills in the coming years.
Added Benefits for You For more information, see the City’s website at
These rate adjustments will bring you clean, clear water and (link shortened for space
introduce modern technology to help you monitor and manage purposes. Editor)
your water usage effectively.
12 The Landings & Bay Colony
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