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Committee Reports continued

             The city has been advised of several infrastructure concerns,   While all of the upcoming elections (and their results) will
             including the collapse of the storm inlet pipe at the intersection   have significant impacts on all of us, I would like to draw your
             of Bayview Drive and NE 55th Street. As we have not seen   attention to one that is “literally” closer to home. The District
             any action in over a month, we have elevated our concern   One Commission Race. While the outcome of the District One
             with a request to Commissioner Herbst’s office regarding this   race does not singularly address the challenges facing the
             matter and other pending inquires. We are awaiting their   whole of Fort Lauderdale today, it does offer insights into the
             response.                                              current culture of the city’s leadership, and provides us with an
                                                                    opportunity to voice our expectations/hopes to the candidates
             We continue to report the in-flow of trash (on the tides) into the
             Landings’ canals. The city responded (through their contractor)   during the campaigns and at the ballot box in November. I
             this past week and removed debris/flotsam from a number   have noted below several links that may be helpful in our
             of the canals. We would again request that property owners   individually determining who we believe is the best candidate.
             instruct their landscape contractors NOT TO BLOW grass   The candidates’ web pages are a great place to get to know
             cuttings and debris into the canals or public streets. Please   more about them:
             insist they accumulate the debris on property and place it in   •   John Herbst | John Herbst For City Commissioner
             containers or bags for removal (by their forces or by the city
             on trash collection day).
                                                                    •   Norby Belz | Norby Belz for District 1 Commissioner
             ELECTION TIME                                 
             We here in the Landings, as is the case in many        There are many other informational links that merit your review
             neighborhoods, find the city’s attention to “expected   and research as well, such as those noted on the ‘Be An Informed
             basic services” such as street repairs, lighting, stormwater   Voter’ public service announcement on the following page.
             maintenance, canal maintenance/cleaning, street cleanliness,   I hope these thoughts will help to remind each of us how
             code compliance and the ever-increasing impacts of the   important our vote is.
             homeless, is severely lacking. We as a community should
             make our voices heard and demand that our leaders represent
             the interest of each district and the city as a whole.

        12                                             The Landings & Bay Colony

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