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P. 16

Minutes continued

             Rep. LaMarca speculated that property insurance rates might be   work for Security Patrols is limited due to a shortage of FLPD
             going down due to litigation reform, new insurance companies   officers. If we have the funds, we can hire more officers.
             entering the market and the new My Safe Home program.  Without funds, new officers will be lost to other communities.
             The Association Board has been working with Publix to   Community Support officers Sgt. Reich and Officer Rodriquez
             include a new configuration to the back entrance included   reported on recent crime in the neighborhood. Organized
             in their remodeling project. Tim stated that Commissioner   groups have been prowling the neighborhood and stealing
             Herbst agreed with the association’s push to have the back   items from cars. Their success rate is credited to homeowners
             entrance reconstructed to make it safe for drivers, cyclists and   leaving their cars unlocked. They not only steal valuables from
             pedestrians.                                           cars but also garage door openers with the intent of returning
                                                                    later. Cars are also being stolen because of unprotected key
             The most pressing issue for CRCCE homeowners is safety. It is
             also the number one consideration for home buyers.     fobs. A small Faraday bag with your keys inside and in the
                                                                    house prevents car thefts. The bag is available for about $10
             Vicki Lynch reported on the Security Patrol Program.   on Amazon.
             • There are currently 256 SP members                   Kyle Whitmyer from Flock Safety reviewed the operation,
             • The current SP account balance is $95,228.34         benefits and costs of the six LPR (License Plate Reader)
                                                                    cameras that will be installed in CRCCE. Tim pointed out
             • Recent changes to SP have been implemented.          that additional cameras may be sponsored by individuals or
             • Officers are putting notices that they have been covering  businesses for permanent advertising signage.
             members’ homes in their mailboxes. This is to address the  The topic of closing off some of the streets with access to
             question that members never see the officers.          Federal Hwy was raised. The intention of the closures is to
             • Officers submit activity logs to Lt. Greenlaw and since  reduce cut-through traffic. Tim indicated that this would be
             October we have been reporting incidents of patrol activity in  reviewed at the next board meeting.
             the magazine.                                          Tim adjourned the meeting at 8:35PM.
             • The number of hours of coverage has been down recently
             because two officers have been unable to take their shifts.
             One of the officers has returned to duty but the other, who is  Respectfully submitted,
             scheduled to return in May, is still recovering from an injury.  Vicki Lynch
             • Residents have been requesting more coverage hours which  Board Secretary
             can only be done with the addition of new members.
             • More HOAs are organizing a SP. Coral Ridge is one.   The slide presentation from the Annual meeting is available
             Bermuda-Riviera is another. The number of officers able to  on our website at

        14                                   CORAL RIDGE COUNTRY CLUB ESTATES COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION

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