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Board Meeting Takeaways
By Vicki Lynch, Board Secretary
The regularly scheduled CRCCE Board Meetings will be reported in the magazine and online in the form of Important Takeaways.
This shorter version of the full minutes will highlight information that is of importance to CRCCE residents. Full minutes are available online.
ll Board members are required to be on at least one Members of the Association are welcome to join any of the
standing committee. The Standing Committees will meet Standing Committees. Please contact the appropriate chair if you
Aas often as necessary between full board meetings to wish to volunteer.
establish short and long-term goals and to plan and implement Jeff Stitch will continue as Parliamentarian.
strategies to achieve their goals. Committee chairs will present
their reports to the board at each full board meeting. Jon Brody, Esq. will continue to review agreements/contracts
that the Association is considering entering into.
Tim introduced Peter Anderson, Valerie Harvey, Agnes Marx
and Rick Cahill who will be working with the Board on the There was some discussion about a CRCCE block party
newly-established Standing Committees which are as follows: with food and a live band. The suggested date was
Thanksgiving weekend.
• Membership – Craig Singer, Chair
Bruce and Tim addressed the topic of increased building in
o Renata Cammarata
our area. Bokamper’s property is slated to be razed and two
o Bruce Quailey new hotels with total a room capacity of 320 will be built on
the property. This and other building projects create more
o Brian O’Connell
traffic problems for CRCCE. Any changes to traffic flow need
o Peter Anderson both city and county approvals. Blocking off streets, one-way
• Security Patrol – Vicki Lynch, Chair streets, stop signs and chicanes are among the solutions to
increased traffic and speeding. Obtaining approvals and
o Karen Polivka installing any chosen method is a long-term project.
o Craig Singer Bob Mayo reported that Flock suggested that all six LPR’s be
o Paige O’Mahoney facing inbound. Further advice is being sought.
• Traffic and Safety – Tim Hernandez, Chair Vicki reported that the Security Patrol is launching a membership
drive. Lawn signs are being produced and will be distributed to
o Bob Mayo
volunteers for placement later this month or early June.
o Rick Cahill
A double page spread in the magazine will begin appearing
o Karen Polivka with the next issue.
• Communications – Karen Polivka, Chair
o Craig Singer
o Brian O’Connell
o Agnes Marx
• Vacation Rentals – Jon Brody, Chair CORAL R DGE
o Rick Cahill
• Social events/Community gatherings – Judy High, Chair
o Valerie Harvey
o Renata Cammarata
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