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Security Patrol

                         LOG SUMMARY

                                           By Vicki Lynch, Board Secretary and SP Committee Chair

             CRCCE Security Patrol Officers submit to Lt. DeAnna Greenlaw   Tuesday, April 2, 2024
             a daily log of their activities. The log captures observations,   1900: While delivering some ‘We Patrol Daily’ cards, I
             resident encounters, and other various activities conducted   was flagged down by an Isles resident about the eviction
             during their shifts in our neighborhood. The SP committee   and ‘transient occupancy’ meanings and process. Was
             acknowledges the advantages of sharing this information with   appreciative of the info.
             the community.
                                                                    Wednesday, April 3, 2024
             A typical report of some of the usual activities is shown below:  1900-2000: Patrol on NW 37th Dr. observed a noteworthy
             Date                                                   vehicle driving slowly on NE 48th St. Silver Infiniti FL tag. No
             1530: In service – Roving patrol.                      criminal or traffic violations observed.
             1600: Spoke with area residents/children at park.
             1630: Vacation house checks                            Wednesday, April 10, 2024
             1800: Completed home checks and continued to patrol the   1800-1830: Received a parking complaint of valet company
             isles and main streets throughout neighborhood.        blocking driveways on NE 39th St. Vehicle was moved and I
             2000: Still patrolling                                 spoke with the valets. Issue was resolved.
             2030: Out of service
                                                                    Tuesday, April 23rd, 2024
             In addition to the usual activities, the following incidents were   1630: While performing away check at Isle home on NE 45th
             reported by our SP officers during the March 18 , 2024   St., I noticed lights on and dog inside indicating someone was
             through May 6, 2024 time period. In an effort to observe the   home; no answer at door or via doorbell. Phoned resident
             privacy of our neighbors, names and specific addresses will   who apparently came home early for a few days but she will
             not be shared.                                         be heading back out Friday. Updated out-of-town check log to
                                                                    skip checks until Saturday. Was very appreciative.
             Monday, March 25, 2024                                 1800: Call from resident at Mangurian Park advising of two
             1700-1900: Commenced roaming checks through HOA. I     vagrants that were possibly under the influence. I responded
             was flagged down in reference to a suspicious person in the   with a park ranger to assess any enforcement actions.
             4400 block NW 23rd Av. I spoke with the person who was   Subjects left shortly after our arrival.
             repairing his bicycle.
                                                                    Friday. April 27, 2024
             Tuesday, March 26, 2024                                1300: Roving patrol. There was a suspicious person call
             1440: Phone call of a home being tented - homeowner request   at 2841 NW 27th Ave. Road units were dispatched and
             to check the property for the next several days; added to log.  responded. Just workers building a gazebo.

             Monday, April 1, 2024
             1730: Assisted with a perimeter point and helped take an
             offender into custody at NE 34th St. (CRCC HOA member).
             Spoke with 34th St. residents and assured them that
             everything was contained.

        20                                   CORAL RIDGE COUNTRY CLUB ESTATES COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION

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