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KING TIDES                                                 Advisory

             A Message from Mayor Dean J. Trantalis

             Dear Neighbors:                                        During a king tide event:
                                                                    • Do not drive through flooded areas. Turn around and find
             Fort Lauderdale, often called the “Venice of America” due to   an alternate safe route to minimize damage to your vehicle
             its extensive 165-mile network of waterways and seven miles   and surrounding property.
             of beautiful shoreline, continues to attract residents and visitors   • If you must drive through tidal flood water, rinse the
             alike. However, these very waterways, which contribute to the   undercarriage of your vehicle to remove any salt water and
             City’s charm, also expose it to the growing threat of climate   minimize corrosive damage.
             change and sea level rise. Seasonal king tides are occurring
             more frequently and causing more disruptive flooding in low-lying   • If you experience flooding on your street, make sure storm
             areas. This year, king tides are predicted on at least 33 days:  drains are not blocked and remove waste collection carts as
             • September 16-23                                      quickly as possible after they are emptied or wait until your
             • October 14-22                                        next scheduled collection day to put them out.
             • October 30 - November 3                              • If you live on a street where the City has installed a tidal
             • November 12-19                                       valve, ponding may occur if it rains during high tide. Be
             • December 13-15                                       assured that your tidal valve is working and the ponding will
                                                                    subside as the tide goes out and allows the valve to open and
             How Neighbors Can Prepare                              release the rainwater.
             Neighbors who live near the water or in low-lying areas
             should take the following precautions:                 • If you encounter flood water, rinse off to remove the saltwater
                                                                    and minimize exposure to pollutants in the ponded water.
             • Evaluate your property’s readiness and prepare flood
             protection measures, if needed, such as sandbags to use at  We continue our unwavering commitment to safeguarding
             door thresholds. Visit for details on how  our city from the impacts of king tides. As we implement
             Fort Lauderdale residents can obtain sandbags at Floyd Hull  infrastructure improvements and bolster our resilience, we
             Stadium / Morton Center and Mills Pond Park.           encourage all residents to remain aware and informed. If you
                                                                    observe any unusual flooding or impassable roads during
             • Review your flood insurance policy to understand your  king tide events, please promptly report these concerns to the
             coverage. Additional information on flood insurance, flood  City’s Neighbor Service Center at 954-828-8000 or utilize
             insurance rate maps, floodplain management regulations and  the convenient FixIt FTL mobile app. Together, we are making
             ideas to protect your property from flood damage can be  significant strides in protecting our community and building a
             found on the City website at
                                                                    future that is resilient and sustainable for generations to come.
             • Review flood safety tips at
             • Familiarize yourself with the City’s new tidal barrier  Dean J. Trantalis
             ordinance at to understand if you need to  Mayor
             raise your property’s seawall.

        24                                   CORAL RIDGE COUNTRY CLUB ESTATES COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION

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