Page 10 - CRCCE1123
P. 10
President’s Message continued
NE 37th Drive and Bayview Drive Roundabout
As a side note, the idea to put cameras at multiple entrances to the block and this will be a disaster for our street and property
the neighborhood is a waste of time and any money being spent values by dramatically increasing the flow of cars on our street
studying this possibility. Cameras don’t stop anything, they just We live where there is a large public park, a country club,
record it. If we want to impede crime in the neighborhood, the and a high school that brings many cars to our streets from
best solution is to install gates with window barcode stickers or people who are from outside of CRCCE, yet you and the
RFID or whatever it is they’re doing nowadays.” board think you can block traffic by closing roads.
Your long term plan for road closures throughout the
“I was for the road closures but I thought one should have been neighborhood is naive and misguided. As you say in this
at the entrance to 35th Drive and 22nd Ave. (25th Terrace has article, traffic is like water and it will find a way…meaning
become a busy cut through and bad at the bend for sure)
you are just diverting traffic to the “unlucky” streets.
Who knows anymore, some people will just drive through Just stop trying to make CRCCE closed or limited access
stop signs and go flying over speed humps…we witness it neighborhood! It looks like you are trying to keep people out
every day. I put about 7 signs up saying “slow down pets and of our area, and that isn’t very neighborly!”
kids at play” …the city removed them...all the neighbors ...............................................
could not believe it.
I know you have a difficult task. Hope we can get it sorted…the “As a resident in the southern area of CRCCE, I have concerns
speed humps help on our’s just as I said, some people about 3 of the potential road closures, one way out streets, or
will just be happy to go flying over them and bang their head open two way streets:
off the interior roof of the car rather than slow down as we #2 - NE 37th St: This is about the only access from Federal
stand and watch them with a 5 year old and a dog.” to our neighborhood and would be extremely inconvenient if
............................................... this was closed off, especially going southbound on Federal
“I am writing to you as a homeowner on NE 27 Avenue. My and currently being able to turn left. This would force us to go
husband and I have lived in this neighborhood for 25 years down to OPB, turn left and go down to Bayview and turn left
and I have watched as more “barriers” to our neighborhood to get into our neighborhood. We try to avoid Federal/OPB
have been implemented. I have always been opposed to intersection at all costs. Forcing residents to go down to the
these efforts. If we wanted to live in a gated or “closed” very long signal light at NE 33rd St, turn left and almost into
neighborhood, I would have bought a house elsewhere. the mall, and then back cut through side streets also doesn’t
make sense. Closing #3 would probably be less impactful to
The proposed road closures will force all traffic down my residents (except those on NE 37th Dr).
street, NE 27 Avenue! Cardinal Gibbons HS is at the end of
11/7/23 8:05 PM
CRCCE 1123.indd 8
CRCCE 1123.indd 8 11/7/23 8:05 PM