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President’s Message

                                                       appy November. Last issue’s (Sept/Oct) column generated a number of
                                                       emails. I’ll get to those below. But hopefully everyone has noticed the
                                                 Hroundabouts are now landscaped and irrigated. We got this nice email:

                                                  “Good morning Coral ridge homeowners association,I thank you and the
                                                  association very much for the landscape in the turnabout. It’s a pleasure to walk
                                                  on sidewalks on both sides of Bayview Drive. May we continue to build more
                                                  sidewalks and bike paths throughout our community. Thank you for your dedication
                                                  to our community.”
                                                  Here are pictures of the roundabouts. The Royal Poincianas which are the
                                                  centerpiece of the landscaping are relatively fast growing trees, according to a
                                                  variety of horticultural sources, as much as 5’ per year. Eventually they will form
                 Tim Hernandez                    beautiful canopies over Bayview and terminate north-south and east-west vistas at
                                                  each intersection. The City is expected to install LED uplighting sometime in the next
                                                  month or so.

                    OFFICERS                       NE 47th Street and Bayview Drive Roundabout
                   Tim Hernandez
                   Karen Polivka
                   Vice President

                    Craig Singer
                    Vicki Lynch


                  Jonathan Brody
                 Renata Cammarata
                   Tim Hernandez
                     Judy High                    Moving on to the subject of installing more stop signs and potentially closing street
                    Vicki Lynch                   access to the neighborhood, it remains a sensitive subject, with many diverse and
                    Robert Mayo                   thoughtful opinions. In italics below are excerpts from emails received in response to
                                                  the September column on additional traffic calming measures (edited for clarity and
                   Brian O’Connell                names omitted to preserve anonymity):
                  Paige O’Mahoney
                   Karen Polivka                  “My wife and I are residents of the Coral Ridge Country Club Estates neighborhood;
                   Bruce Quailey                  we live at the intersection of NE 35th Street and NE 27th Avenue. We just read
                    Craig Singer                  the “Presidents Message” in the September issue of the CRCCE magazine. While
                     Jeff Stich                   we understand some of the concerns regarding traffic through the neighborhood,
                                                  we are steadfast in our disagreement with the idea of road closures, both one way
                                                  and two way, in the neighborhood. Not only do the neighborhood residents need
                                                  access to these roads and their connections, so too do emergency services vehicles.
                                                  If there is no way to provide residents with gates and stickers, then the best course
                                                  of action would be to remove the speed cushions in favor of genuine speed humps.
            CORAL R DGE                           Additionally, there should be more of them and they should be higher to force
            COUNTRY CLUB ESTATES                  vehicles to slow down. Finally, we are in favor of as many 4-way stop signs as the
            C OMMUNIT Y ASSOCIA TION              city and county will allow.

         6                                                     CORAL RIDGE COUNTRY CLUB ESTATES COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION

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