Page 12 - CRCCE1123
P. 12

President’s Message continued

             #14 NE 27th Ave at NE 32nd St: This is the only access for   opinion is this. (1) The traffic on my street is not bad at all,
             most of us in the southern area while avoiding Bayview. It   except when Bayview has been closed. (2) This would unfairly
             never seems like there is much traffic on NE 27th Ave, so   add a traffic burden to all the other accesses. (3) The garbage
             closing this doesn’t seem to make things easier, just much   truck that comes to pick up trash would not be able to turn
             more inconvenient for residents. Bayview at OPB is already a   around and it is too long from the stop sign to back down
             nightmare with long southbound Bayview traffic stopped at the   and this would cause them to turn in my driveway or the
             signal, backing up to NE 31st and NE 32nd Streets.     neighbors. (4) This would limit Police and Fire from entering
                                                                    the neighborhood in a timely fashion. (5) Also, for quite some
             #15 NE 32nd St near the mall access. I’m not sure what’s the
             proposal to open two way streets as there is already open   time after closing the streets everyone’s car GPS’s will still tell
             access to the mall there. I’d be against opening up NE 26th   drivers that they are open access roads causing my neighbors
             Ave between NE 32nd and NE 33rd. This would bring more   and I to become the best turnaround in this part of the City.”
             traffic into the neighborhood from the mall.”          Thanks to everyone who responded. It appears the general
                     ...............................................  consensus based on these communications is NO to street
                                                                    closures and YES to more stop signs and speed humps/
             “We have lived on the corner of 35th Street and 27th Ave for   cushions. But please continue send your thoughts on this issue.
             over 23 years so we have a good knowledge of the traffic on   The goal is to make the neighborhood as safe as possible and
             27th Ave.
                                                                    there are many ways to accomplish that, which brings us to
             First: Putting 4 way stop signs on the intersections listed in the   one more way…
             magazine, we 100% support. We have been requesting this   We urge everyone to sign up for the Security Patrol program.
             for 23 years. We have seen many near-miss accidents at our   We are at about 25%. Sunrise Intracoastal is over 90%. Rio
             intersection; car vs car, car vs golf cart, car vs bike/pedestrian   Vista and Bermuda also have much higher subscription rates
             because there is not a 4 way stop sign.
                                                                    than we do. In monitoring Next Door and City crime statistics,
             Second; Road closures of now partially closed roads: 100%   we still see burglaries and thefts of property and packages in
             OPPOSE this idea.                                      CRCCE being discussed regularly. The more households that
                                                                    sign up, the more coverage we can get.
             A) A little history, prior to them closing the left hand turn onto
             Oakland Park from 27th Avenue the traffic WAS horrible  Wishing everyone a joyous holiday season!
             since it was a cut through to Bayview Dr. Since they closed  Tim Hernandez
             off the left turn at 27th Avenue I can say without question this  President, CRCCE Community Association
             cut down the traffic by over 60% or more. Additionally, the
             recent speed humps have also helped deter cut through traffic.
             Therefore traffic really isn’t that bad.
             B) Closing these roads would be devastating for an
             emergency situation. I can tell you every time I have seen a
             Fire Truck/EMS come into the neighborhood they use 27th
             Avenue. Why? Because it is the quickest way to help the
             problem. Closing these roads would cause severe lag time for
             emergency vehicles to respond to a problem.

             C) We who live here want the access to our neighborhood
             without having to get onto Bayview, Federal, Commercial or
             Oakland Park. Closing access to these interior roads would
             put a terrible burden on all of us trying to get into our homes.
             We do not want to drive on the main four roads because those
             are for individuals who do not live here.”

             “I am writing this letter in response to the Presidents Message
             in am the last house to the West on the North side and in
             thinking about the idea of closing off certain streets my

        10                                   CORAL RIDGE COUNTRY CLUB ESTATES COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION

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