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Security Patrol Log Summary
By Vicki Lynch, Board Secretary and SP Committee Chair
CRCCE Security Patrol Officers submit to Lt. DeAnna Greenlaw Tuesday October 1, 2024
a daily log of their activities. The log captures observations, 1300 Spoke with a neighbor on NE 35th St. He will be doing
resident encounters, and other various activities conducted during work at address **** and advised he will have the garage
their shifts in our neighborhood. The SP committee acknowledges and gate open and to not be alarmed.
the advantages of sharing this information with the community.
1730 Distributed several ‘We Patrol Daily’ cards; while doing
In addition to the usual activities, the following incidents were so at one residence on NE 26th Ave, the homeowner came
reported by our SP officers. In an effort to observe the privacy out - we had a pleasant conversation and he was appreciative
of our neighbors, names and specific addresses will not be of the patrol.
shared. Below are notable encounters from September 10,
2024 to November 10, 2024. 1800 Received text responses from above; homeowner on
42nd ST returning home tonight (updated log). Second text
Monday September 9, 2024 was about a city water main break - the city had already
1600 Continued roving patrol/house checks. Contacted completed temporary repairs…provided the 24/7 Customer
the homeowner to verify a plumber at the residence. It was Service number for future requests.
confirmed that the plumber was supposed to be there. All 10-4.
Tuesday October 8, 2024
Friday September 13, 2024 1700 Overnight delayed auto burglary of unlocked vehicle
1230 In service, returned a missed call from a citizen. on NE 47th ST (loss = $1, non-member); patrol handled
Addressed the issue at hand and will do extra patrol during report. FLPD Case # 24-175593
shift, began out of town checks.
Tuesday October 29th, 2024
Tuesday September 17, 2024 1402 Package was moved from front door to hidden behind a
1200 Started duty/collected phone and conducted park column at isle home on 42nd ST (backyard does not have any
check. Answered texts on detail phone. One thanking us for good spot to put a package); resident sent a text advising such.
service and one concerning a younger B/M knocking on
doors asking for help on 09/15/24 after detail unit hours. 1600 Static visibility in the 3700 blk of Bayview Dr -
No further issues regarding this individual at this time. No noticeable difference when they see my car.
known calls were placed to patrol units.
Friday November 8, 2024
Saturday September 21, 2024 1600 Flagged down by citizen reporting suspicious person in
1945 Responded to NE 36th St. in reference to assisting fire the neighborhood. Found the person. He was soliciting to
rescue with a possible gas leak. Fire advised that nothing was clean residential windows.
found and area was safe. OR# 34-2409-165743. Lt. Greenlaw provided the following crime statistics for
CRCCE. They indicate a significant reduction in crime.
Tuesday September 24, 2024 The Security Patrol is improving the safety and security of
1100 House checks continuing. Monitoring crews working on our neighborhood.
Bayview near 36th St. traffic circle. Everything going smoothly.
Lt. Greenlaw provided the following crime statistics for CRCCE. They indicate a significant reduction in crime. Security Patrol is improving the safety and security of our neighborhood.
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