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                                                                                                    Rio Vista Civic
                                                                                                   Association, Inc.
                                                                                                      PO Box 460386
                                                                                                  Fort Lauderdale, FL 33346

              6   RVCA President’s Message                                                       Lauderdale Harbors
                                                                                              Improvement Association
                  RVCA President Christina Currie’s update                                            PO Box 460305
                                                                                                  Fort Lauderdale, FL 33346
              10 RVCA Message re: Sewer Main Break                                      
                  RVCA efforts to aid residents affected
                                                                                               RIO VISTA & LAUDERDALE HARBORS
                                                                                               is the official newsmagazine program
              14 Commissioner's Message                                                        of the Rio Vista Civic Association and
                                                                                               the Lauderdale Harbors Improvement
                  District 4 Commissioner Ben Sorensen                                        Association. It is published bimonthly and
                                                                                              delivered directly via USPS mail to all Rio
                                                                                             Vista and Lauderdale Harbors residences.
              18 Rio Vista Holiday Party
                  Another great neighborhood holiday event
                                                                                              Nancy Messing Brand, Christina Currie,
              20 Protect Rio Vista Initiative                                                    James Fletcher, Barbara Magill,
                                                                                                 Bob McMahon, George Mihaiu,
                  It’s time to renew…and to join if you haven’t already                           Juan Saavedra, Mark Snead,
                                                                                                       Ben Sorensen
              22 Protect Rio Vista – Patrol Logs Summary                                              Special Thanks
                                                                                                 FLPD & Protect Rio Vista Officers
                  A selection of recent Patrol Log entries by our officers                        City of Fort Lauderdale PIO
                                                                                                      Our Ad Sponsors
              28 Lauderdale Harbors President’s Message                                           Published in association with

                  LHIA President Barbara Magill’s neighborhood update                                RVCA and LHIA by
                                                                                                      Fort Lauderdale
              32 What’s New?                                                                        Media Associates, Inc.
                                                                                               401 E. Las Olas Blvd., Ste. 130-599
                  What’s new and happening around the neighborhood                                Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301
                                                                                                     Tel: 954.828.1337

                     2020 General Meeting Dates are currently set for                                 George Mihaiu
                              1/27/19, 4/20/19, 9/21/19, 11/30/19.
                                                                                                     Associate Publisher
                            Meetings take place at 7:30 PM at the                                      Ann Mihaiu
                     Rio Vista Community Church. Board meetings are
                                                                                                      Design & Layout
                       typically held the 3rd Thursday of each month.                                   James Polo
              Copyright 2020, Rio Vista Civic Association, Inc. and Fort Lauderdale Media Associates, Inc., Publisher. All rights reserved. This publication may  FLMA Graphics
              not be reproduced in whole or in part, regardless of technology used, without express written consent from RVCA or publisher. The Rio Vista
              Civic Association and publisher reserve the right to reject any advertising or copy either may deem to be objectionable or otherwise unacceptable
              for any reason at their sole discretion. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy and timeliness of this publication and no liability can
              be attached to or be accepted by the publisher or the Rio Vista Civic Association for any errors, omissions or inaccuracies.
          4                        rio vista civic association •
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