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                                          President’s Message continued

              residents want these cameras as soon as possible and we  efforts in 2019 and his plans for 2020. Meeting notices,
              respectfully ask that you be patient and maintain your  materials, and important reminders are disseminated via
              enthusiasm. As previously indicated, when we have the  our electronic newsletter. Please visit
              written estimate, we will be able to schedule a full to sign-up for the emails and to
              presentation at a General Meeting and begin a well    join the RVCA.
              organized fundraising campaign.
                                                                    One last reminder, the Stormwater Improvements Project
              Per the RVCA bylaws, a Nominating Committee has been  around the Hector Park area was scheduled to begin
              established. Members of the Nominating Committee are  construction in February 2020. However, with the very
              Mark Snead, Rob Ward, and Bill Kirk. During the Annual  unfortunate recent sewer line break in the Hector
              Meeting on January 27, 2020, the committee shall present  Park/Ponce de Leon Drive area, we are awaiting further
              a slate of candidates for election as directors. Directors are  word about the Stormwater Improvement project.
              elected for three-year terms and must meet the        Questions can be directed to Francisco Rios via email to
              requirements set forth in the bylaws. Inquiries should be RV
              directed to RVCA Vice President Mark Snead via email to  Respectfully,
              Our guest speaker for the January 27, 2020 RVCA       Christina Currie, Esq.
              general meeting will be Broward County Commissioner   President
              Tim Ryan. Commissioner Ryan will be speaking about his  Rio Vista Civic Association

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