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LHIA Annual Meeting Minutes continued

              Directors were nominated that were on a slate, with an   2024 Board Officers and Directors
              additional nomination from the floor for a Cordova Road   President  -  Bob Ferencik  13th St.
              resident, Garret Wegerif. He was then added to the slate. Each   Vice President – Kevin Hoffman 13 Terr.
              director had one minute to speak.                      Secretary – Barbara Magill 14th St.
              Candidates that gave speeches included Patty Hawk, Richard   Treasurer – Bonnie Rogers 14th St.
              Heidelberger, Vivien Jensen-Probst, Natali Mansour, Charlie   Directors
              Matthews, Bruce Palmer, Kerry Ruppert, Aimara Sage and Mitch   Richard Heidelberger  14th St.
              Sokoloff. Kevin Hoffman spoke on behalf Kevin Hall who had to   Kevin Hall  13 Terr.
              leave early. Bruce Palmer spoke on behalf of Sam Idas who was   Bruce Palmer  12th Ct.
              out of town.                                           Patty Hawk 13th St.
              While votes were being tallied, Commissioner Sturman updated   Mitch Sokoloff  12th Ct.
              us on signing up for text alerts from his office (traffic, emergency   Charlie Matthews  13 Way
              or weather advisories) on such things as workshops that he held   Ed Rebholz  14th St.
              and holds, bike rides thru the neighborhoods, the Hurricane   Christina Deuschle  12th Ct.
              Preparedness expo in May, commuter rail by the hospital and   Marissa Lord   14th St.
              upgrades to 17th Street west of US 1.                  President Bob Ferencik said he would be setting up a gate

              Votes were counted and winners were announced by       meeting asap.
              Commissioner Sturman.                                  Meeting adjourned 8.40 pm

          28                                       rio vista civic association •

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