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                      Want to reach Rio Vista homeowers residents in a unique & special way?
              Already doing business in Rio Vista and want to say Thank You? Or want to do MORE?

                        RVCA has three programs that can help!

                                                                       CORPORATE SPONSOR

                                                                  RIO VISTA SECURITY PATROL

                                                           Rio Vista Civic Association has a new corporate spon-
                                                          sorship program for businesses to contribute to the
                                                          RVCA Patrol Program. Benefits to the contributing busi-
                                                          ness sponsor include recognition on social media, RVCA
                                                          emails as well as recognition in our bimonthly RIO VISTA
                                                          magazine! Your corporate support helps keep our neigh-
                                                          borhood and local business community safe! For more
                                                          details, contact Lori at

                                                                MEMBER BENEFITS PROGRAM
                                                                 SPECIAL OFFER PARTICIPANT

                                                          Rio Vista Civic Association has it's own Members Bene-
                                                          fits program. RVCA members receive a variety of dis-
                                                          counts and special offers by showing their Membership
                                                          Card to participating local businesses...who can partici-
                                                          pate free of charge! For more info, scan the QR Code to
                                                          the left. To participate, come up with a unique special
                                                          offer for RVCA Members (they’ll show their membership
                                                          card) and contact Lori at

                                                                           AD SPONSORSHIP

                                                                        RIO VISTA MAGAZINE

                                                          Rio Vista Civic Association’s RIO VISTA magazine is our
                                                          national award-winning official neighborhood magazine!
                                                          Published bimonthly, it is mailed via USPS to EVERY
                                                          home, residence and business (over 3500+ recipients)
                                                          throughout Rio Vista and Lauderdale Harbors. Our ad
                                                          sponsorship program (in print & online) offers our local
                                                          businesses and professionals a cost-effective way to
                                                          reach EVERY home and residence in our neighborhood.
                                                          For ad rates & info, contact

                  Join us! Help make Rio Vista the BEST & SAFEST neighborhood in Fort Lauderdale!

          32                                       rio vista civic association •

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