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                                                 Mayor’s Message

                                                   he onslaught of the COVID-19 virus has truly shaken up the world, and its
                                                   effects have squeezed the fibers of our being right here at home. But even as
                                              Tour community and nation hunker down to stem the spread of this deadly
                                              and contagious disease, the city presses forward in its mission to improve our
                                              utility infrastructure.
                                              Before I talk about those developments, though, I want to update everyone
                                              regarding our response to the COVID-19 pandemic. On March 13, I declared a
                                              state of emergency and have since ordered the closure of bars, restaurants, gyms,
                                              movie theaters and many other places where people congregate and could spread
                                              the virus. That has even included our public beaches.
                                              Our city leadership has tried to chart a prudent and reasonable response to this
                                              new coronavirus. We have made our decisions based on the advice of healthcare
                                              professionals and in consultation with Gov. DeSantis, his emergency team and
                                              other metropolitan communities in our region. After we acted in concert with Miami
                                              Beach to close the beaches, the governor thanked Fort Lauderdale for leading by
                                              example in Florida.
                     Dean Trantalis
                          Mayor,              The fact is that COVID-19 has been spreading at an incredible rate in our community.
                    City of Fort Lauderdale   We need to limit public gatherings and increase social distancing as much as
                                              possible. No one likes the pain inflicted on our businesses and workforce. Nor do we
                                              take lightly shutting down the annual Spring Break ritual that has for so long help fuel
                                              our economy. However, we also cannot risk a repeat of the grim and horrible scenes
                     Dean J. Trantalis
                          Mayor               from Italy of an overwhelmed medical system and death after death occurring.
                                              City management and I are exploring what steps we can take to help those who have
                       Scott Wyman            been economically impacted and what we can do to advocate for assistance from the
                   Chief of Staff to the Mayor  federal and state government. I encourage businesses to explore the Small Business
           Administration’s Economic Injury Loan program, the state’s Small Business Emergency
                                              Bridge Loan program and the Short Time Compensation program. Additional
                     City Hall, 8th Floor     assistance is on its way based on recently passed legislation by Congress.
                     100 N Andrews Ave
                   Fort Lauderdale, FL 33311
                                              I’m heartened to see governments acting together.
                                              We’ve worked with the federal and state government to set up a field hospital
                                              locally to handle any overflow of patients. And, testing is beginning to become
                                              more available so we better know the extent of the outbreak locally. And equally
                                              important, all 31 cities and the county have now established a dialogue to ensure
                                              that the actions we are taking are enforced throughout the region.
                      Office Contact
                        Scott Wyman           The restrictions that the city has imposed currently run through April 16. We assess
                     Assistant to the Mayor   these on a daily basis and will revise them as circumstances warrant.
                        954.828.5004          I urge everyone to remain calm but take all necessary steps to protect yourself from
                                              catching the virus or spreading it. I also ask that you help our struggling restaurants
                                              and utilize the takeout and delivery options that many are offering in order to stay
                                              in business.
                                              Now, about our infrastructure…

                                              The City Commission last week voted to immediately end the practice begun under
                                              a prior commission of raiding Fort Lauderdale’s utility reserves to cover the cost of
                CITY OF FORT LAUDERDALE       general operations. This commission agreed after taking office to phase out this

          10                                             The Landings & Bay Colony
                                                         The Landings & Bay Colony
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