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LRA Update
Our Stars & Stripes
Are Flying Again
eighbors gathered together on Saturday, February 1st,
for the flagpole dedication and flag raising ceremony.
NRonnie Dennis, custodian of the two flagpole sites on
Bayview Drive, introduced the following participants:
Bob Martin - member of the American Legion
Joey Cruz - Commission Assistant to Heather Moraitis, District 1
Mike Watson - President of The Landings Residential Association
The American and Florida flags were raised by Bob Martin; the
city of Fort Lauderdale flag was raised by Joey Cruz; The
Landings flag was raised by Mike Watson.
The Landings now has two flagpoles greeting residents and
visitors at the Bayview north and south entrances. Welcome to
The Landings! n
Mike Watson, Ronnie Dennis, Joey Cruz, Bob Martin, Dana Mullaney Bob Martin
14 The Landings & Bay Colony