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                                              President's Message

                                 Lake Estates Improvement Association, Inc.

                                             Dear Neighbors,
                                               t has been a great pleasure to serve as your President for the last 24 years! We are
                                               moving to Tampa to be closer to family. As many of you know, we welcomed
                                             IGwendolyn Birdie Pelini, our granddaughter on January 11th. We want to be a
                                             part of the many "firsts" that she will be experiencing! We are moving to a community
                                             called Fish Hawk (similar to Weston) and look forward to a new chapter in our life.

                                             Together, we have accomplished so many positive improvements to our
                                             • One of the few communities with all new water pipes and roads after major
                                               lobbying with the City because our water quality had been 13 out of a 15 scale.
                                               The new water main system includes new fire hydrants and larger, new water
                                               mains and valves.
                                             • Changed the zoning from B2 to B1 for the Federal Highway businesses and the
                                               building of the wall for neighborhood compatibility recommendation to buffer the
                                               noise, light spillage, and truck loading and unloading. Immediately following the
                                               wall, we went door to door to get $110,000 from the city as a line item on the
                Linda W. Bird, President       Parks Bond Program to beautify our entrances and NE 27th Avenue with pavers
                       Lakes Estates           and lush landscaping.
                Improvement Association, Inc.  • After getting the I-95 turn north for airplane traffic, we lobbied the FAA and City to
                                             protect us from the Executive Airport's efforts from runway expansion, noise and
              pollution. More than 300 neighbors attended our informational meeting with the FAA following the NE 56th Court crash, over
              the objections of the local Commissioner.
               • Defeated the City of Fort Lauderdale Canal tax.
               • Defeated the "Wave" downtown streetcar.
               • Fought the Ferrari-Maserati dealership to mitigate the impact their change in their renovation to a 3-story structure (34’
                 to 36’) from a 2-story structure (22'6") after the original plans had been approved last year. The City’s DRC sided with
                 the business and now the noise is ongoing and our only solution was to lobby for more landscaping as a buffer.
               • Worked with code enforcement to keep our property values high.
               • Represented Lake Estates Improvement Association Inc. at numerous City functions.
               • Congratulations to all of the officers who agreed to serve another year as Directors of the Improvement Association
                 of Lake Estates, Inc. and were approved by acclamation: President, Paul Sandmann and Directors Carolyna Pueyo,
                 Wendy Hille, Miguel Hernandez, Ed Salantri, Dr. Alexander Doerffler.
              Please join our neighborhood site to keep up with the news of Lake Estates. Lake Estates is a unique
              community to live in. Most of the homes are on water and the location of the neighborhood affords our residents an
              opportunity to take advantage of the close proximity to the beach and yet be only fifteen minutes from I-95.
              If you have not joined the network, please do so now on the website at
              Successes are built together. We have a strong legacy. Please join us as we advocate for the neighborhood to keep our
              property values appreciating to their highest value. 2020 Annual Dues are due and are only $25.00.

              Please make check payable to: Lake Estates Improvement Association Inc. and mail to:
              Paul Sandmann, President, 2701 NE 57th Court, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33308  n

              All the best,
              Linda Bird, President
              Improvement Association of Lake Estates, Inc.

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