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From the Publisher
s we go to press with this issue, the entire world
is in the midst of a pandemic that is
A approaching the epic proportions of prior
pandemics like the plague or Spanish flu that we've
read about in history books. And as this disaster
unfolds, the great majority of Americans (and people
everywhere) are coming together again to help each
other, as we always seem to do in the midst of
emergencies and tragedies. Ironically, 'coming
together' this time requires a new response...'social
distancing'...which is fundamentally changing the
dynamics of how our communities, societies and our
economic systems function.
Whatever the extent of this disaster and the new
dynamics brought about by our response it, I'm greatly
encouraged…and I hope we all are…by the actions (even
the belated one) of our friends, neighbors, local business
community colleagues, fellow Americans and by so many
people and governments throughout the world who
recognize that the ONLY way forward for all of us is to
collaborate and work together for the common good.
A very special ‘Thank you!’ goes out to our doctors,
nurses, health care workers, first-responders, grocery and
pharmacy workers and to all who are physically on the
front lines of this battle risking their own lives to save the
lives of others. Your commitment is beyond words…and
inspires the rest of us to do what we can to help you.
In addition to healthcare and first responders, some
businesses and their employees have been deemed
‘essential’ in the efforts to meet our basic living needs.
Food supply lines, fuel supply chains and electrical
power providers, to name just a few, must be kept
working and intact. And our Federal Government, as I
write this, has just passed an unprecedented $2 trillion
stimulus package designed to help individuals, families
and our businesses survive the sudden, devasting
impacts of the shutdown of our world.
Generations before us have
struggled to overcome epic
challenges in their times to save the
world as they knew it for us. It is
now our time to rise to this
challenge to our way of life by
working together to make sure we
give those who follow us a future to
look forward to. We can. We must. George Mihaiu
And we will. n Publisher
The Landings & Bay Colony 21