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Mayor’s Message continued
practice, which was euphemistically called a "Return on The immediate impact of the recent work is the ability to
Investment," over a four-year period. However, in light of remove the above-ground bypass in Rio Vista that had to
our need to rapidly upgrade our infrastructure we asked be installed in December. It is important to note that the
the city manager to find a way to end the practice work is being done through directional boring so as to
altogether right now. create the least disruption possible to street-level traffic.
While normally a project of this size would take at least
These annual raids were dangerous and irresponsible,
with $120 million drained in total during the years it three years, we estimate completion before the end of this
occurred. Now, there is $20 million more a year that will year. The commission unanimously approved this project
go toward essential utility work. Moreover, the need to with initial estimates of an 18-month construction schedule
borrow money will be reduced. This was my argument and a cost of $80 million. We’ve cut both the timeframe
when the city borrowed $200 million in 2017. now as well as the cost, which is coming in 18 percent
under budget at $65 million.
We have moved the city in a direction that is both good
for taxpayers and our environment. I had fought these This line extends from the wastewater lift station at the
raids when I was a city commissioner and am glad that Coral Ridge Country Club to the George T. Lohmeyer
the practice has now ended during my time as mayor. Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant. Two contractors are
working simultaneously to expedite the construction. As
We also are making significant progress to address the segments are completed, we will transfer service off the
pipe failures we have experienced in recent months. Not old line to minimize the potential for future breaks.
only have broken pipes been repaired or completely
replaced, the first sections of the new 7.5-mile pipe In addition to this, we completed installing nearly a mile of
new sewer main in Victoria Park, a third of a mile of new
through the city’s central core have been installed in the
past couple weeks. sewer main on Northeast 36th Street and installed new sewer
main in George English Park. We are also installing more than
3,000 feet of sewer main along
East Las Olas Boulevard.
The speed and scope of this
work speaks to this City
Commission’s intention to
improve our infrastructure as
rapidly as possible.
We also continue to work
with environmental
consultants to analyze
conditions in the portions of
the Tarpon River and George
English Lagoon affected by
the earlier breaks. It is my
personal promise that we will
develop detailed and
thorough plans for restoration
of both waterways. n
Dean Trantalis
City of Fort Lauderdale
12 The Landings & Bay Colony