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President’s Message continued
in May, August and November 2024. Remember that the bulk furniture on your properties. Flowerpots and garbage, as well
pick-up in August will be on August 23rd, and in November it as garden furniture, can be very damaging if airborne.
will be on the 22nd. See page 24 of this issue for more info.
Please be safe and have a happy summer! Let us hope we’ll
June 1st marked the start of the hurricane season. This year it be spared from hurricane season!
is predicted to be one with above average numbers of tropical
storms and hurricanes and direct impacts to the U.S. We have
all seen the devastation that can take place and all warnings Helena Cooper
should be taken seriously. Please secure your loose items and President, The Landings Residential Association
LRA Committee Reports & Updates
Public Works Committee LPR Cameras
The ”Sewer Pipe Lining” proposed along Bayview Drive will Extended Life “Battery Packs” are planned for installation
be completed in segments. The initial lining phase, between on the four cameras in order to better accommodate power
Basin/Manhole #11 and the lift station north of NE 59th demands during extended periods of cloudy weather.
Street, has been completed. The line that runs from Basin/ This addition will better ensure data collection. We are
Manhole B-13 and Basin/Manhole B-22 will be evaluated approaching the time of year for requesting your continuing
over the next three years. Given the age of the sewer lines, support for future maintenance and replacement reserves for
it is anticipated that some amount of remedial work will be these cameras. Please be on the lookout for our mailing in the
required. We have requested an update as to the inspection next several weeks. Your continuing support is needed and
plans for the remainder of the sewer collection system within greatly appreciated.
the Landings.
The city continues to provide “street-sweeping services” once
a week, for the “qualified streets” within the Landings (those
streets with standing curbs), which are Bayview Drive and NE
55th Street.
Landscaping Upgrades
The city has completed the installation of additional
plantings in the areas of the Landings Bridge Columns. We
have impressed upon the city, the importance of keeping
the vegetation properly pruned so that both vehicular and
pedestrian traffic have a clear line-of-sight when navigating
the pedestrian ways, the bike ways and the automobile traffic
lanes crossing the bridges.
In addition to the palms that were recently planted along
Bayview Drive, additional landscaping is slated to commence
on Bayview Drive, after the commencement of the new
“October 2024” budget cycle. Following these additional
plantings, we can expect additional upgrades to the NE
55th Street Monument Wall / Entry. The city continues to
improve their sprinkler maintenance and median maintenance
through the resources they currently have budgeted.
6 The Landings & Bay Colony
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