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Meet Your LRA Board

                                        Hi LRA members and neighbors,
                                                 y name is Casey Shore and I am a Director on The Landings Board. I
                                                 moved to South Florida from Ohio when I was in high school and resided
                                        Mat the time in Coral Springs. I went to college at the University of Florida
                                        and studied Real Estate and Urban Analysis with a minor in Economics. After
                                        college, I moved back to South Florida and started my career in Sales with Miami
                                        Elevator. During my time working there I met my husband Matt, who is also a
                                        Gator, and we moved to Harbor Beach and started a family.

                                        When we had our daughter, we made the family decision for me to stay at home
                                        and raise the kids, which I have done for 18 years and Brittany is now studying at
                                        University of Pennsylvania. Our son Matthew is 16 and he is a Junior at Pine Crest
                                        and starting to go through the college selection process. We raised the kids in
                                        Parkland, but we always said we would move back east when the timing was right.
                                        In 2014, we fell in love with The Landings and have been happy with our decision
                                        to move back to the water.
                  Casey Shore           As a stay home Mom, I have found great enjoyment and satisfaction in volunteering
          Landings Residential Association  with various charitable organizations. Matt and I have been long-time supporters of
                                        the United Way and Matt was the most recent Chairman of the Board. For five
                                        years we were Co-chairs of the Taste of South Florida Gala for Cystic Fibrosis.
                                        Additionally, I have been on the Board of the Andy’s Pasta dinner fundraiser for
                                        Lifenet4Families, and we have raised and donated money for Jason Taylor’s
                                        Reading Room initiative. My husband is President of the Recruiting and Interim
                                        Resources firm StevenDouglas, and because of his role, we have had the privilege
                                        of being involved in YPO (Young President’s Organization). I have served as
                                        Moderator of a YPO Spouse Forum, which has been very rewarding. We love to
                                        learn and to travel and YPO gives us a chance to do both of these things
                                        surrounded by other very interesting and accomplished couples.

                                        I decided to join the Board initially to meet people and make some new friends in
                                        the neighborhood. Having spent the last 14 years in Parkland and Coral Springs
                                        most of our friends were out west. Now that my kids are older and I was no longer
                                        a VP on the PTA and my husband was no longer coaching the kids in sports, I
                                        found it harder to meet people. For that reason, I decided to raise my hand to help
                                        lead the Welcoming Committee to make the transition to our hidden gem of a
                                        neighborhood a little more inviting.
                                        I have really enjoyed my involvement with the Landings Residential Association and
                                        I would encourage others to join and get involved. I have made some amazing new
                                        friends and I definitely feel more informed and knowledgeable of what’s going on
                                        in our community and Greater Fort Lauderdale.

                                        Your neighbor and LRA board member,

                                        Casey Shore
                                        LRA Board Member

                           Visit us online at

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