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Mayor’s Message continued

          Downtown Countdown offers                                              All of these events are made possible
          something for everyone. From 4:30 to                                   through the hard work of City staff,
          8:30 pm, the event features family                                     local organizations, and the generous
          activities including inflatables, slides,                              contributions of our sponsors.  But what
          fgames, contests, and line dancing                                     truly makes these events so special is
          with DJ William Pennhouse.                                             the tremendous support they receive
          From 8:00 pm to 1:00 am, Downtown                                      from all of you – our neighbors.
          Countdown is an outstanding event for                                  As we move forward, we will continue
          adults featuring live bands,                                           to promote high profile special events
          entertainment, DJs and the midnight                                    that enhance tourism, foster community
          countdown. Instead of the traditional                                  spirit, and enrich quality of life, while
          lighted ball, Fort Lauderdale will                                     working together to make Fort
          feature the return of the illuminated                                  Lauderdale the best place to live, work,
          anchor!  The anchor will descend                                       play, visit and raise a family.
          down from 100 feet in the air above                                    For more information about all our
          the main stage as we count down the
          final seconds of 2017.  Standing 20                                    events, visit
          feet high and 17 feet wide, the anchor                                 Happy Holidays!
          features 12,000 color-changing LED
          lights, creating a spectacular visual                                  John P. ‘Jack’ Seiler
          display as we usher in the New Year.                                   Mayor

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