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Commissioner’s Message continued

        9. New Harbor Beach Lift Station at 2 Harborage Drive;  •  Bayview from Sunrise to Commercial: Approval of the
        Status: Contract approved; construction expected to begin  re-milling and surfacing contract will be brought up at the
        within 2-3 months; estimated completion in July 2018.  Commission Meeting end of November – we will update
        10. Victoria Park Basin Inflow & Infiltration Reduction  you on this $880,000 project as it moves forward; this will
        Project at 625 NE 19 Avenue; Status: Bids reviewed and  be followed a $740,000 traffic calming project.
        contract was awarded on 11/6/17.                      •   Twin Lakes: Traffic Mobility Plan was discussed with
        11. Rio Vista Inflow & Infiltration Reduction Project at 1200  the HOA last month and the permit application for BC
        Cordova Road; Status: Construction underway Downtown  Highway Construction and Engineering Division was
        Basin Inflow & Infiltration Reduction Project at 203 SW 1st  submitted and is currently being reviewed -construction is
        Avenue; Status: Construction underway.                projected to start first quarter of 2018; City Attorney’s
        12. Downtown Basin Inflow & Infiltration Reduction Project  Office is preparing the easement deed(s) for the entryway
        at 203 SW 1st Avenue; Status: Contract approved;      monuments.
        construction expected to begin within 1 month.        •   Lake Estates: new water lines are being installed
        13. Flagler Heights Inflow & Infiltration Reduction Project at  throughout the neighborhood.
        630 NE 2nd Avenue; Status: Contractor cleaning project
                                                              COMPLETED TRAFFIC PROJECTS IN DISTRICT 1
        area; lateral lining will begin when high volume, surcharge
                                                              •   6 radar signs in the Coral Ridge Community
        conditions are alleviated; construction expected to  begin
                                                              •   2 Speed humps on NE 29 Ave north of NE 68 Street
        within 1 month.
                                                              •   4 speed humps on NE 68 Street east of NE 31 Ave
        14. Dorsey-Riverbend Inflow & Infiltration Reduction Project
                                                              •   Striping/swale work on Yacht Club Blvd
        at 1410 NW 4th Street; Status: Contract approved;
                                                              •   District-wide speed hump restriping including Bayview
        construction is pending the completion of the 30-inch Force
                                                              •   1 Radar sign on NE 55 Street  west of bridge
        15. Central Beach Inflow & Infiltration Reduction Project at
                                                              •   Speed hump installation on NE 24 Terrace north of NE
        729 N. Birch Road; Status: Project complete.
                                                              62 Street
        16. Lake Estates Water Mains in the area of NE 27th
                                                              •   Installation of flexible delineators on NE 62 Street east
        Avenue to Bayview Drive; Status: Construction underway;
                                                              of NE 18 Ave
        Installation of a new water main along NE 60th Street has
        been completed; water service line installation to property  Staff is also working with Broward County to install Speed
        water meters has been completed; installation of 1,300  Radar Signs along Cypress Creek Rd/NE 62nd Street in
        linear feet of new water main along NE 28th Ave has   partnership with Broward County
        been completed; estimated project completion in March  OFFICE CONTACT: Robbi Uptegrove – 954-828-5033;
        2018.                                                 email:
        17. Second Avenue Tank Restoration on NW 2nd Avenue
                                                              In addition to hosting two pre-agenda meetings twice a
        near NW 6th Court; Status: Contract scheduled to be
                                                              month, I am also available to attend your HOA meetings to
        considered for approval by the City Commission on
                                                              update your neighborhood on what is going on in the City
        December 5th.
                                                              as well as answer any questions/concerns you may have.
        18. Las Olas Boulevard Force Main Replacement; Status:
                                                              Please contact Robbi to schedule.
        The City is changing the approach to a design-build
        project using trenchless technology and is moving forward  EMAIL LIST: If you would like to be on our email list so that
        with the new bid opening scheduled for 12/4/17.       you receive information pertaining to the City – especially
                                                              District 1 (i.e. news releases, meeting notices, events),
                                                              please let Robbi know and she will add you.
        •   Palm Aire West: we are finalizing the task order for
        the 53 speed humps and anticipate the construction to  Bruce Roberts
        begin late November and completed end of December     District 1 Commissioner
                                                              City of Fort Lauderdale

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